Cloud Computing

Bibek Shrestha
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Cloud computing

Class 3

  • [ ] Cloud foundations-1
  • [ ] Cloud architecting-2
  • [ ] Udemy Stephane Maarek…SSA-27hrs
  • [ ] SAA question set-6/7
  • [ ] SSA certification exam
  • [ ] SSA certification exam
  • [ ] SSA certification exam
  • [ ] Pre-sale team

History of Cloud Computing

The history of cloud computing dates back to the 1960s, when computer scientist John McCarthy first proposed the idea of sharing computing resources over a network of computers. McCarthy’s vision was revolutionary at the time as it paved the way for the development of cloud computing as we know it today.

In the 1990s, the concept of “utility computing” began to emerge. The idea behind this was that computing resources could be provided to users in a similar way to how utilities like electricity or water are provided. This marked a significant shift in the way that computing resources were managed, as it allowed for greater flexibility and scalability. Cloud computing was still in its infancy at this stage, but the seeds of its potential had been sown.

It wasn’t until 2006 that the term “cloud computing” was officially coined. The term was introduced by Google CEO Eric Schmidt during a conference speech, and it quickly gained popularity. Since then, the field has grown rapidly, with individuals, businesses, and governments around the world using cloud computing to store and access data, run applications, and more.

The cloud has become an essential tool for many organizations, offering benefits such as cost savings, increased flexibility, and improved scalability. It has also enabled new ways of working, such as remote working and collaboration, which have become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Overall, the history of cloud computing has been one of constant evolution and innovation. As technology continues to advance, it’s likely that we will see even more exciting developments in the world of cloud computing in the years to come. The potential for cloud computing is enormous, and it will undoubtedly continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of technology.


Networking is an essential aspect of engineering that involves building and maintaining relationships with other professionals in the industry. Engineers can attend industry events, join professional organizations, and use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with peers, mentors, and potential employers or clients. By networking, engineers can stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments, find new job opportunities, and build a strong professional reputation. Ultimately, networking is an essential skill for engineers that can help them advance their careers and position themselves for success in their field.


Sure, let me explain CIDR with an example.

Let’s say you have a network with IP address range to Traditionally, you would divide this network into subnets with a fixed number of IP addresses, say 64 IP addresses per subnet. This means you would need 4 subnets to cover the entire IP address range.

With CIDR, you can use a variable-length subnet mask and allocate IP addresses based on the needs of the network. Let’s say you need one subnet with 64 IP addresses and another with 128 IP addresses. In this case, you could use a /26 subnet mask for the first subnet (which gives you 64 IP addresses) and a /25 subnet mask for the second subnet (which gives you 128 IP addresses).

Using CIDR notation, the two subnets would be represented as and This means that the first subnet includes IP addresses from to, and the second subnet includes IP addresses from to

By using CIDR, you can allocate IP addresses more efficiently and conserve IP address space. This is especially important in large networks where IP address space may be limited.

I hope this example helps you understand CIDR better!

Class 4

  • [ ] AWS user group-Pokhara
  • [ ] Atlassian-JIRA

-Jira account create

-Make group of 10 people

  • [ ] Documentation


  • VPC creation
  • Subnet create(Private, Public)
  • EC2
  • Test for SSH result-fail
  • Internet gateway create and attach to VPC
  • Route table creation-

Destination Target IGW

  • Associate subnet-public subnet
  • Test for SSH-finally successful person-kakrachulesan



-Data insecurity

-Privacy Problem

Creating own VPN


  1. Create ec2, vpc and subnet
  2. ssh -i ubuntu.pem ubuntu@public_key
  3. sudo apt update
  4. sudo apt upgrade -y
  5. wget
  6. chmod -v +x ./vpn
  7. sudo ./vpn

Class 5

shortcut method for above

  • go to aws console
  • vpc and more
  • create instance →edit →choose public subnet
  • instance →Connect to instance →SSH client — copy example
  • paste copied example in terminal
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade -y
  • wget
  • chmod -v +x ./vpn
  • sudo ./vpn
  • now it looks like
  • Press enter
  • select [1] →UDP
  • Enter →1194

Select a DNS server for the clients:

  1. Current system resolvers
  2. Google
  3. ←
  4. OpenDNS
  5. Quad9
  6. AdGuard
  • Note down The client configuration is available in: /root/bibek.ovpn
  • Install client in one’s computer→open vpn client download
  • install and open the downloaded app
  • go→import profiles
  • go→terminal→ssh -i rsa-open-vpn.pem ubuntu@ “sudo -S cat /root /bibek.ovpn” > bibek.ovpn
  • new .ovpn file will be downloaded
  • upload→bibek.ovpn to openVPV connect
  • EC2→Instances→instanceId→security→Security groups→Edit inbound rules→protocol→UDP→port→1194→source→
  • connect VPN

Multihoming in Networking



Bibek Shrestha
Bibek Shrestha

Written by Bibek Shrestha


Computer Engineer | Full-Stack developer | Learner

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